Friday, July 10, 2009

Driving Us to Destruction

This article drives to the hart of the issue. WE THE PEOPLE have paid to have GM and Chrysler to be dismantled by our federal government. Back room deals made that doesn't benefit America not one bit. Treason is in the details and at the highest level. Lets not forget the lies of the benefits of NAFA, GATT, SPP, and etc. These people who devised and pushed these lies need to be brought to justice. Were is the outcry for justice? Why people don't care? Why are Americans so complacent to do things that cause there own destruction?

Item: Writing in the online Newsweek for June 2, Daniel Gross observed: “It’s been a long time since American devotees of Marx … have had much to cheer about. But with the bankruptcy filings of General Motors and Chrysler, and the transfer of stock ownership from the firms’ long-suffering share holders to the government and unions, communists of the world can rejoice. The workers are now, finally, significant owners of the means of production. The United Auto Workers control about 65 percent of Chrysler and 17.5 percent of General Motors.”

“Ardent capitalists,” says Gross, should not “be so angry and fearful.”   Unions “will have to start thinking like owners,” and they now will “really need GM and Chrysler to do well.”

Item: An Oxford Analytica piece, entitled “U.S. Automakers Tackle Fuel Efficiency” and posted on on June 16, reported: “General Motors, Chrysler and Ford … recently acquiesced to a long-resisted strengthening of Federal Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards. The efficiency laws will increase pressure on the automotive sector — already in crisis due to the economic downturn — to shift toward smaller, lighter cars. In the longer term, they may support a shift toward electrification with hybrid and plug-in hybrid cars, but broader policy action will be required.”Correction: Remember when GM was supposed to be “too big to fail”? Well, despite billions in federal bailout funding, it did just that. So now the feds have grabbed the wheel. Tightly...

Correction: Remember when GM was supposed to be “too big to fail”? Well, despite billions in federal bailout funding, it did just that. So now the feds have grabbed the wheel. Tightly...

Full article at this link

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