Sunday, June 14, 2009


By Greg Evensen

June 13, 2009

The time for talk is over. Any further delays in implementing self-protecting plans for families, neighborhoods, adjacent farms and ranches are unwise, self-defeating, and potentially disastrous. Further enumeration of the historical failures and the successful plots against freedom, liberty, personal and national sovereignty are a waste of time. Everyone who already knows the reasons for our current state of emergency, are crystal clear as to their origins and the implications for all Republic loving individuals.

That is why I have made the decision to relinquish my weekly radio broadcast on Republic Broadcasting, “Voices from the Heartland” effective May 30th. The time consumed in preparing for that weekly event is now being put into relevant action in the field. I have accepted a number of speaking engagements beginning June 5th and running in Phase I through the middle of August. All of these plans assume one major concept. It is that we will somehow avoid a catastrophe within this nation that emanates from the banking fiasco, the death of the automotive industry, the collapse of the employment market, a nuclear confrontation with North Korea, or any number of other unthinkable possibilities, and all of those outcomes are still far from certain.

Resilient Americans, who have prepared for and are awaiting the other shoe’s arrival upon their heads, are now grouping together in a final effort to gather all of the tactical information they can prior to the end game being fulfilled...
Full article at this link

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