Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hardin, Montana under siege!

This is very disturbing and what is even more disturbing is it is happening right here in the good ole USA. That is right an unconstitutional security force is harassing this Montana town.

I personally called the local Sheriff to confirm the Montana News 8 report. Well, it went like this is News 8 a real station? "Yes". Is this security force acting as police in Hardin? "The town of Hardin is dealing with them." Have you done anything about these people acting as police officers in your county? "No, the town of Hardin is dealing with them." I inquired further and basically got that is all the info I can give ( all I know).

Ladies and Gentlemen, If this doesn't get you upset then I don't know what will. This is absolutely wrong for this to be going on in America. This American Police Force is shady at best. They take no oath to the Constitution and they are a private firm. This smells of hired mercenaries. Why is hired mercenaries being placed here in America, when almost every police department across America has increased in size since the 90's. There is no need for these private firms and it is against the law.

Calling all Patriots and Oath Keepers to stand guard. We have to stay vigilant against tyranny. Freedom is hard Tyranny is easy.

"The only thing for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

Here is the articles for you to review. Be prepared for your jaw to hit the floor.
Here is an article by Michael Hollingsworth
Here is an article by
Michelle Malkin
Here is an article by CBS News
Here is an article by the Billings Gazette

Oh and by the way Hardin Montana is in the poorest county in Montana (per news broadcast report). The detention center is on a Indian Reservation, which technically is like another country according to some people in our government. Remember President Obama's famous words " We cannot rely on our military for our security needs. We need a civilian security force just as powerful, just as strong, and funded as our military." If you don't believe me google it and watch it for yourself. There is more; taking a look at the APF is like looking into a dark room without any light. What I am saying is that the organization "APF" is front for somebody due to the research I have done leads into dead ends.

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